I was at the water dispenser to fill up my water bottle.I had rushedout of a very boring Macroeconomics class to have break for few mins before getting back.And I see a good looking senior girl filling up water next to me...Her bottle was a 2 litre one and it obvsly had to take atleast 60 seconds to fill up!......Now my mind went back to the communications class we had where we were taught about "elevator pitch" (yea...u had to sell urself in 30 seconds)...I realised that this was an ideal chance to test that out.....Now what do i Do??? To sound cool and chilled out.I ask her

"You are from the senior batch right ??"
(obvsly she has to be u dumbo...If shes not in ur class.she has to bein senior class!)
She replies " Yeah..." (somehow I felt she increased the tap speed---indirectly wanted to finish her bottle filling excercise quickly :)
"Which stream..IT or Finance??"
(what a loser you are....)
"IT.....and you?"
(For a moment she sounded interesting"
"I am from IT too......so How do you find Dubai???"
(this is where I felt I had an upper hand,coz these seniors moved from Singapore and we,the juniors started from Dubai. Effectively, we were 2 or 3 months in dubai before these seniors. I threw this question in an attempt to build on it with my 3 month knowledge on Dubai)
You should have seen my reaction on her response
she says " Oh I have been here for my life!"
(Bussssssssssssssss...That was my show off deflating :P )
I had to reply back " Oops!.wrong qstn to the wrong person........(andI smile like an Idiot) "
She smiles " How do u find dubai?!"
I go "Hot,hotter and hottest :)"
Lesson 1: Murphy's law always works
Lesson 2: when any doubts,refer lesson 1 !! :)
you are from Chennai which is also Hot, Hotter and Hottest. you should have thought about something else to tell so that the conversation would lead to another question!
P.S: This is not out of any past experiences... but a thought on the hindsight...
Mate..2 reasons
1.It took some time to actually come out of the fact that how murphy's law worked xactly the way it is supposed to!
2.It was an elevaator pitch and my 30 seconds were over :)
it is as close to the "sewage" as it can ever get :-))
Very funny!!
Don't let Murphy enter into your elevator. :)
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