Neatly dressed in business formals, I was furiously running in the middle of the road at 8:15 AM .This was in response to a frantically waving hand at a distance.“Innaikum bus vitutengala saar!” (“you missed your bus today too!” ) asked suresh smiling at me.
Suresh works in the Tea stall next to the bus stop where I board my company bus. He is a very bubbly character and has opinions or suggestions for every topic on earth. To know him better, all you had to do was to get a glass of tea from stall and throw a topic in the air. Suresh will promptly air his ‘expert opinions’. Nobody misses to notice his demeanor. His day typically begins with washing used plates and glasses from the previous day, cut vegetables for sambar and poriyal, prepare idlis for breakfast. All this before he ensures that I catch the bus in time.
Most of the days, If not all, he has been my savior. But for him, I would have had to suffer the moments of insanity in madras public transport where ‘you are never alone’. And today was one such day. Hoping for the best, I moved on for the day.
Next day, I started a few minutes earlier. For a change, I wanted suresh to take a break from watching and holding the bus for me. I completed the 500 m walk from my door step in under 5 mins. I peeped into the tea stall. It was unusually silent and I did notice the unwashed plates and glasses. I realized that suresh didn’t turn up that day.
I enquired with the stall owner.
“Suresh is lucky sar! He is the special guest in our area school today”,
I was surprised. It didn’t make sense. I checked my watch. It said “14, November 2005”
Oh yea! It was his day after all. Apparently, the nearby school was celebrating children’s day and the theme this year was “child labour”.

Pondering over the owner’s words on “lucky suresh”, was he really lucky? Where was he and where he was supposed to be? And worst of all, how I did not realize that suresh was not at the right place. Was it because he was holding my bus everyday to ensure that I don’t miss it? I kept pondering.
“Seekaram yerunga sar!” (“Board the bus quickly, sir!”), screamed a voice. That was my bus driver and he was waiting for me.
I moved on.
Enna oru aazntha karuthu...Intha young age la ipdi oru sinthanai a...
Dude,It is touching..
BTW.. What is your major? is it IT or humanity?
V strong article and really nicely written Navs. Actually - the way u started it -- dint even realize that it was actually a kid that u were talkin 'bout.
நல்லாவே எழுதிரியே!!
மூணு வருசமா எங்கப்பா இருந்தான் இந்த நவீன் !!
தினமும் எழுது ..
Excellent post da.
The last phrase, 'I moved on' captures the way our lives are moving.
So many things we see around us... feeling of helplessness... and then... Life moves on
We find lot of Suresh's as our life goes on. Collectively something should be done.
Nice article dude,
keep up the good work so that people are aware of the problems faced in this imperfect world
write up was beautiful!.. read in Srishti...
very nice one. Poor Suresh!
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